
Work with us

We are always looking for the right people to collaborate with

Whether it’s international/national or regional news outlets, social media influencers, YouTubers, bloggers, brands or photographers, we are open to various kinds of collaborations if it’s the right fit for us.

What we look for

  • International/national/media press both online and in print. If you are looking to feature Quirky Campers in your article please get in touch at marketing@quirkycampers.co.uk 
  • Social media influencers: We ask for a combined following on Instagram, Facebook or YouTube of at least 250k. We are happy to consider reducing this if you think you could offer something you think we need and your audience suits ours.
  • A blog/website with a DA of at least 40 – we would be happy to consider reducing this if you have a good volume of traffic and think your audience is really relevant to us.
  • Exceptional photographers/videographers. We are always in need of high quality, high res photographs so that we can use them on social media and in print.
  • Brands who could feature Quirky Campers in way that showcases our beautiful campervans (e.g. on a photoshoot, allowing Quirky Campers to retain the images and share on our platforms)  
  • Any of the above need to be a good fit with our values – see below

If the above sounds like you, please see below for details of how to apply to collaborate with us.

Our Mission and Values

The Quirky Campers Mission; ‘For the love of adventure, our world and its amazing humans. We exist to achieve planet positive travel, promote creativity and connect people curious about a different way of living; enabling us all to take the leap to a sustainable future.’

You don’t have to meet all of these criteria, but they should give you an idea of whether it’s likely to be a good fit:

  • The Biggest Adventure With The Smallest Footprint – We prioritise people and the planet over profit, embrace slow travel and local holidays, value sharing over owning, and encourage everyone to ‘Leave It Better’
  • Freedom For Every Body – We offer unique vans for diverse needs, strive to unlearn our biases, use our influence for good while acknowledging our failures, and treat all customers with respect and humanity.
  • Find Your Fleet – We invest in meaningful relationships and build community both online and in-person. We fearlessly share connections and knowledge, value the people we meet on our adventures, and prioritise collaboration over competition.
  • Breaking The Mould – We believe camper vans can be both practical and beautiful, embrace insights from mistakes, view leadership as a mindset, build roles around our people, and are committed to continuous learning and growth.

The process

Please complete the form below outlining what you could offer and how you think a collaboration with Quirky Campers could work. If we think your proposal is suitable for Quirky Campers we will pitch your proposal to our owners. For those who are interested we will match you up and provide a Quirky Camper for up to 5 nights complimentary. You are welcome to go on a longer trip if the vehicle is available, however you will need to cover the remaining cost.

All of our vans are owned by individuals who have lovingly converted them for hire. All normal rental T&Cs and insurance procedures apply including having to provide the correct documentation and a security deposit. 


Quirky Campers competitions

We run competitions throughout the year and are always looking for great brands to partner up with and offer an amazing prize to our audiences. If you are a brand and would like to collaborate with us please get in touch.


Join the Quirky Campers Affiliate Scheme

Joining our Marketing Affiliate Scheme means you become a part of the Quirky Campers team. We’re looking for like-minded individuals, who can help build your network and community by directing the right people to our site where they can find the services they need. We’re seeking partners, influencers, PR professionals, and anyone interested in making money promoting Quirky Hire, trade and sales business.