
COP26: What you can do to make a change

What is COP26?

Cop 26, also known as UN Climate Change Conference, is the 26th annual conference bringing together governments, NGOs and businesses from around the world to tackle the climate crisis. This year it is taking place in Glasgow from 31st October to 12th November 2021. 

It acknowledges that globally, we’re in crisis and without drastic action, ecologically and economically, the world will never recover. 

Why does it matter?

Many experts have described this as our ‘last chance’ to avoid some of the most catastrophic impacts of climate change and ecological breakdown. The most recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change made clear that the connection between human activity and the increasing number of extreme weather events is ‘established fact’ rather than hypothesis. They pointed to a number of ‘tipping points’ that we are rapidly approaching; once crossed, these tipping points are irreversible and will lead to even faster warming and more serious consequences. 

These consequences will affect every one of us and include droughts, floods and rising sea levels which will lead to the displacement of people, food insecurity and water shortages.

There is still time to avoid this if we take immediate and drastic action. This is not about individuals changing their lifestyle (though we support people doing that too), but fundamental, systemic changes supported by government policy. Our job therefore, between now and the end of October is to put as much pressure on our government as possible to take the lead in making serious commitments to limit global warming to 1.5C (the maximum our planet can manage according to scientists).

Our world is in crisis and we must stand up and demand to be heard. This is our final chance to prevent runaway climate change. Governments will reach agreements on how they will collectively reduce emissions and prevent climate change. There is no planet B. The world is our home and it’s important we take care of it in every possible way, not just for ourselves but our future generations. 

Why is it important to us at Quirky Campers?

“For the love of adventure, our world and its amazing humans. We exist to achieve planet positive travel, promote creativity and connect people curious about a different way of living; enabling us all to take the leap to a sustainable future.”

The Quirky Campers mission

Nature and adventure is at the heart of what we do. We want future generations to have the same travel opportunities as we do today, to see the world and all the beauty it has to offer. Our mission is to make the great outdoors easily accessible to all in a sustainable way. Quirky Campers offsets every mile and will continue to adapt the business to make sure we are as sustainable as we possibly can be. However, we are aware, this will never be enough and urgent action is needed now. As our platform grows, we become increasingly aware of the responsibility we have to share and discuss what matters. 

What can you do?

With any global crisis, it can often feel as though you are not doing enough and this feeling can be overwhelming. Here are four actions you can take right now, from the most straightforward, to the most involved:

  1. Sign this petition.
  2. Donate to an organisation fighting for concrete commitments, for example Extinction Rebellion.
  3. Write to your MP – tell them why this is important to you and ask them to put pressure on the UK government to make firm commitments for change.
  4. Volunteer with the COP26 coalition.

Where can I learn more?

There are a number of fantastic resources available detailing everything you need to know regarding COP26 and advising what you can do to make a real difference.


Cop Coalition 

Extinction Rebellion 

Universities Network 


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