
Tiki: Quirky Campers’ retro campervan

Tiki (an ex retro Quirky Camper) went away with Passenger Clothing to the New Forest. Take a look at the beautiful shots they got of her below.

Passenger Clothing: Being outside is where we find our escapism.

“We never worry too much about where we’re heading, as long as we’re heading somewhere. In July, a few of us struck out in search of a place to test our Autumn Outsiders collection. Our van was off the road, so our friends, Quirky Campers, sorted us out with a new workhorse called Tiki. We loaded up the boards, packed our bags, stocked the fridge with Outsiders IPA and drifted on down the coast looking for escapism and adventure in Tiki, Quirky Campers’ retro campervan. In true British style, the weather gave us every season in one day, putting our gear through its paces. There’s something about packing up and getting away for a few days, roaming closer to home and finding those little pockets of escapism. After all, we’re outsiders.”

Quirky Campers’ retro campervan

Tiki is the ultimate retro campervan.

Tiki, Quirky Campers' retro campervan driving along a road in the New Forest

A couple having a campfire in front of a retro campervan

A couple sat on the roof of Tiki, Quirky Campers' retro campervan. Hire her at https://www.quirkycampers.com/uk/campervans/dorset/poole-dorset/tiki/

A woman climbing down the ladder on the back of Tiki, Quirky Campers' retro campervan.

The silhouette of a couple standing on top of Tiki the retro campervan in a field

A retro campervan in a field

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