
Planning Your Campervan Conversion – Virtual Workshop (Recording)


Van Self-Build Conversion: From Dream to Plan

Recording of virtual van conversion workshop with Feta Brown.

Building a campervan is an adventure – one that takes time, creativity and money. This Design Thinking-inspired workshop will give both new and experienced converters a fresh approach so they finish the build within their resources, and with what they really want intact in the final creation.

Feta is the creator and host of Vansformation, the UK’s top van conversion podcast.  She has taken the journey from DIY newbie to builder of a charming high top van conversion that includes a full folding bed, LPG-powered kitchen and solar-powered electrics. She enjoys conversations with other self-builders, has a keen interest in the design process and is looking forward to her next build.

The virtual workshop will cover:

  • A step-by-step process to move from inspiration to an actual conceptual build plan
  • Methods to help you make difficult decisions about what to put in your build (and what to keep out!)
  • Tips for collaborating with a partner



90-minute virtual workshop on planning your campervan’s conversion. The live workshop has now passed, so you are buying the recording.

Quirky Campers is the home of handmade campervans in the UK. Founded in 2010, we have been hiring out beautiful bespoke campers ever since. Over time people have come to us as a source of inspiration and information on all things self-build and we have recently launched this series of virtual workshops to give people the know-how and confidence to do their own conversions.